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compensation=redress 보상, 시정
offend 기분상하게하다 =displease
go broke: 파산하다=run out of maney
let me down: 실망시키다
germane=relevant 밀접한 관련이 있는
go by:의지하다=depand upon, turn to
get far=pay off:성공하다.
come down with:=contract 병에걸리다
constrict=contract, shrink 수축하다
late:최근의, 고(故), 늦은
in return for:보답으로 ,답례로
for the life of me:아무리해도=scarcely, for the world
avert: 얼굴을 돌리다,비키다,피하다(=avoid, shun)
grow:재배하다,경작하다=raise=bring up,cultivate
stand, tolerance, endure, bear, put up with 참다,견디다
≒ bite the bullet 고통을 견디다, Hang in there 견뎌라
tip off: 밀고하다
down and out:가난한,빈곤한 = destitute, impoverished
stand for:상징하다
pull up:멈추다
attend on: 시중들다.
catch up with:따라잡다=overtake
walks of life:신분,계층=occupations
out of one’s mind: 미친=insane
what is more:게다가,덧붙여=in addition
take up:시작v, 차지v=occupy, 배우다, 가담v
for nothing:공짜로
=gratis, gratuitously, on the house, complimentary
pay out:벌을 주다
belligerent:호전적인=warlike, pugnacious
pointless:무의미한,효과 없는=no account
robust 강한 = strong
at times:때때로=once in a while
have nothing to do with:관련이 없다
keep up with:따라잡다,보조를 맞추다
=keep abreast of
callous:무감각한,냉정한=unfeeling, nonchalant, phlegmatic
give in:굴복하다=surrender, succumb to, yield to
bring up:기르다,양육v,제기하다/ = raise, cultivate
come up with:제안하다=propose/ 생산하다=produce
drudgery:단조롭고 고된일
relinquish:포기하다=forsake, abandon, give up
come through:입수되다
come to:의식을 회복하다
put off:연기하다
get at:의도되다=imply
carry on=engage in:수행하다,종사하다
clean out:완전히 비우다
make up of:구성하다= consist of
do away with:폐지하다=abolish, eliminate, get rid of
get across:알게하다,이해시키다=convey(전달v)
escape:도망치다=get away, flee, decamp, abscond, elope
give out:발표하다=announce
give off:방출하다,내뿜다=emit, let off
run out of:~을 다써버리다
=finish the supply of
lay out:정리하다=arrange
respect:존경하다=look up to, revere
respectable존경할만한/respective:각각의/respectful 예의바른
leave out:배제하다=exclude from
lay by:저축하다=lay aside, put by, put aside
look over=examine=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
get through with=finish 끝마치다=put an end to, wrap up
tie up=hinder:~을 정체시키다,방해하다
get a rain check:다음으로 미루다 defer, hold/put off,adjourn
make up:해결하다=settle/구성v, 화해v, 준비v, 결정v
the apple of the eye:아주소중한 것
run over(차가)~을 치다=knock down and pass over
all at sea=perplex:어쩔 줄 모르다
hand in:제출하다
hand out:분배하다
get somewhere: 성공하다
continue=get on with
get even with:복수v=repay, retaliate, get revenge, hit back
promiscuous:무차별한=indiscriminate, unselective, wholesale
rule out:배제하다,제거하다=reject
revere:존경하다=respect, look up to
pick on:괴롭히다=annoy, vex, pull one's leg
pull off : 벗어나다=turn away(외면v,거절v,해고v)
despotism=tyranny, oppressive rule :독재,전제정치,폭정
dispose of:처분하다,해치우다
hold back:억제v, 숨기다, 저지v
set off:착수v =set about
pick up:우연히 입수하다
gradually=little by little=bit by bit
bring about=introduce:~을 제기하다,초래하다=bring forth
show up= appear, turn up 나타나다
send for:~을 부르러 보내다
shed light on= account for, explain:설명하다
clear away:~을 치우다
take after:닮다
look after: 돌보다
put by:저축하다
take off :벗다
take on:~을 띠다=assume/ 맡다
take over:인수받다=succeed to
make do with:그럭저럭 살아가다=manage with
take a stand on : 분명한 입장을 취하다
soak up=absorb 흡수하다
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upset=disorganize 망치다
inundate=deluge 범람하다
steal away:몰래 떠나다
out of the question=impossible:불가능한
look into:조사하다=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
take in:속이다/묵게v, 안내v, 이해v
=deceive, pretend, let on,bluff, swindle(人out of sh) 속이다
take into account:~을 고려하다
get over:극복하다=recover from, surmount, pull through
make up for=compensate for, atone for:보충하다
turn up=show up, appear
turn over:뒤집다=capsize, flip
write off:가치를 줄이다
call off=cancel
call for=require
make up:구성하다=constitute, consist of
draw up:작성하다=draft
draw on:(자료로)이용하다, (공급품에)의지하다
drop in:우연히 방문하다
pull through:극복하다= get over, surmount, recover from
too hard to read=illegible:읽기 어려운
at odd:의견이 일치하지 않는
at odds with: 사이가 나쁜 = at variance with
try out: 시험하다
keep an eye on: 지키다, 경계v
=watch closely, keep close tabs on
polish the apple:아부하다,아첨하다=play up to, flatter
hold good:유효하다
get around:(법등의)빠질 구멍을 찾아내다
put an end to: 끝내다=get through with
step down:사임하다
fool around:빈둥빈둥 시간을 낭비하다
sit in=participate in :참가하다
what a steal! :참 싸게 샀네요=buy st for a song
↔ cost me a fortune, cost me an arm and a leg
under the black dog:우울한=melancholy, plaintive
on pins and needles:매우근심하는
use up:고갈시키다=deplete
through thick and thin:언제나
off color:안색이 나쁜
in a nutshell:간단히 말해서
get from :벗어나다= pull off, turn away
cut in: 끼어들다, 방해v
let alone:~은 말할것도 없이
=not to mention
catch on:이해v, 유행v,(적응v=adapt)
catch up on st: 만회v, 알아내다
poke your nose into:간섭하다
have a sweet tooth:단 것을 좋아하다
on the nail:즉시=off hand, out of hand
in so many words:분명히=plainly
cross out:줄을 그어 지우다
a piece of cake: 식은 죽 먹기=It's a cinch, just nothing
turn over a new leaf: 새롭게 시작하다
jack up=elevate: 올리다
in the neighborhood of
in a fix: 곤경에 처한=in a dilemma, put one's foot in it
tantamount=equivalent:동등한, commensurate
lose track of:~와 소식이 끊어지다
as luck would have it: 다행히, 우연히, 공교롭게(긍/부)
lead on:꽤다, 유혹하다,~을~으로 이끌다
concerns oneself with:관심을 갖다, 관여하다
incapacitate:무능력하게하다. 못하게하다=disabled
get across: ~을 이해시키다,~을 알게하다=convey(전달v)
look/see into:조사v=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
as far as I am concerned:나로서는
as far as S be concerned : ~에 관한 한
maul:혹평하다=beat // haul : 수송하다
hold with:동의하다=concur
succinct=concise, laconical, brief = 간결한
sole: 유일한
grasp: 이해v, 붙잡다=clutch
boil down to : 요약하면~이다,~이 본질이다.
let up: 그치다, 중단하다= stop, halt, cease
stray: 길을 잃은= lose oneself
abide by: 고수하다
charge:~탓으로 v. 비난v, 책망v, 고소v, 가득 채우다
brag (about): 자랑하다=boast
let go of = release 놓다
make for: 향하여 가다 = head for
be acquainted with: ~을 잘 알고 있다=be informed about
across the board:대대적인, 전면적인, 일괄적인
to look quickly through=skim, run over
at the behest of: ~의 요청으로
behind schedule: 예정보다 늦게 = behind time
break down: 세분화되다=subdivide/ 고장나다=go hay-wire
cross one’s mind: 문득 떠오르다=occur to, strike
be equal to : 감당할 능력이 있다=be up to sb
draw forth:끌어내다=elicit
drive out: 추방하다=expel
every two years=biennial: 매2년마다
suspend:일시적으로 중단하다
at that eleventh hour:마지막순간에
in profusion:풍부하게=abundantly, copiously, prolific
diverse=different: 다양한
in line with:의견이 일치하는
=see eye to eye, speak one's language
off hand:즉시=out of hand ↔ on hand : 수중에 있는
saw:속담,격언=maxim, proverb, saying, adage, aphorism
mark off:구별하다=tell~from~
coaxed:달콤한 말로 설득하다=cajole
indignation:분노,노여움=rage, resentment, wrath, anger
gloat:만족스럽게 응시하다
feasible:실행할수 있는
=practicable, visible, workable, applicable, viable
meager:부족한=scanty ↔ ample, adequate, sufficient 충분한
hold on:기다리다
mercurial:변덕스러운=quick-changing, fickle, capricious
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for my soul:아무리해도=scarcely, for the life of me
miserly=stingy:인색한, 구두쇠의
retrospective = reminiscent 회상하는
much of a fellow for talking:이야기하는 것을 좋아하는
=수다스러운voluble, verbose, garrulous, loquacious, talkative
streamline = modernize 현대화하다
on hand=in my possession ↔ off hand:즉시
call one’s names:~을 욕하다=abuse
second to none:최고의= next to none
put down:기록하다=record
give a hand:돕다
liability:부담,불리한일=debt, disadvantage
affect=touch:영향을 미치다=have an effect on
by turns:교대로,번갈아=one after the other, alternate
in a turmoil:대혼란 상태에 있는
= in a state agitation and upheaval
pass away:죽다=be gone
vie for:경쟁하다
on the wane:쇠퇴하다=dwindle, decline
dodge=hide, conceal, whitewash, hold/keep back:숨기다
in vogue:인기 있는
apply oneself to:전념하다
=give oneself to= be absorbed in
reliant:~에 의존하는 ↔ relative 상대적인
brush up on :향상시키다=improve,복습하다=review
head for:향하여 가다=make for
hold over=put/hold off, adjourn , defer, delay:미루다
ill at ease:불편한
in the long run=ultimately=in the end:결국
make off with:~을 가지고 도망치다=steal
work out:~을 풀다,해결하다
keep one’s head:침착하다
intact:본래대로의, 손상되지 않은
prognosticate:예지하다, 예언하다
be cut out for :적합하다
beside the point:핵심에서 벗어난↔ besides:게다가,덧붙여
old hand:숙련공 - 숙련된 : adept, expert, skillful
benignly 우호적으로 = favorably
auspicious = favorable, propitious, benign :길조의, 상서로운
hit the ceiling:화내다, 꾸짖다=blow one's top, cross with
out of the blue:뜻밖에
fall through:수포가 되다=come to nothing
for the present=for the time being:당분간
take to:좋아하다, 습관이 되다, 몰두하다
out of one’s wits:당황하는=into bewilderment, puzzled
on the air:방송하다 - airing 방송
for good and all= forever, permanently
in the bargain:게다가,덤으로=besides
cut it rather fine:(시간,돈)을 줄이다,정확하게 계산하다
=stealthy, sneaky, furtive
make head or tail of=catch on, grasp:이해v
make allowances for=consider:고려하다
topsy-turvy :거꾸로, 뒤죽박죽인=on other way around
keep close tabs on=watch closely:경계하다
neglect : 경시하다, 소홀히 하다
affiliate with=associate with:제휴하다
swallow one’s pride:자존심을 죽이다
well off :부유한=opulent, affluent
ups and downs:흥망성쇠
at a loss= puzzled 어쩔 줄 모르는, 당황하여
feel like a wet rag:몹시 피곤하다
potable=drinkable 마시기 적합한
on purpose=by design 계획적으로, 고의로
heyday=golden age, palmy days, efflorescence, prosperity
take one’s time:천천히 하다
poise:균형을 잡다
concur:동의하다=acquiesce, hold with, assent, accede
fall out (with):싸우다
by the skin of my teeth=barely:가까스로, 겨우, 거의 없다
see eye to eye:의견에 일치하다=in line with
on the sly:은밀히
activate=go off:폭발시키다, 작동시키다
overdue:지불기한이 지난=late
plaintive=melancholy:애처로운, 구슬픈
insinuate=imply, infer 암시하다
take up:시작v, 차지v, 배우다, 가담v
take up for : ~의 편을 들다=side with, take part with
teem with:~으로 충만하다=swarm/charged/fraught with
thrive on:번성하다= prosper, flourish
expound upon:상세하게 설명하다
get back:회수하다
stubborn:다루기 어려운, 완고한
have an insight into:~을간파하다, 통찰하다
to the life:실물그대로=exactly
go over:조사하다=look over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
go with:어울리다
figure on:예측v=estimate,forecast,beforhand,guess, predict
fill out:완성하다
make ends meet:수지균형을 맞추다,빚지지않고 살아가다
on the spur of the moment:즉석에서=impromptu, extemporaneous
be gone:죽다
passing out of existence:사라지다
proscribe:인권을 박탈하다, 금지하다
prior to:~전에
root in : ~에 근원을 두다
opulent:부유한=well off, affluent
spurn:경멸하다=mock/퇴짜놓다=reject, turn down, decline
to boot:그위에, 덤으로=into the bargain 게다가
make one’s name:이름을 날리다
the man in the street:보통사람
impiety=irreverence:불신앙,불경 - filial impiety 불효
on other way around:반대로,거꾸로=topsy-turvy
cumbersome:성가신=difficult to carry
a master of : ~에 능숙하다=be good at
marginal=insignificant, of no consequence 중요하지 않은
sabotage:고의로 방해하다=destroy
have no notion of:알지 못하다
behind the times : 시대에 뒤진= out of date, obsolete
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behind time : 늦은 = late
accretion = accumulate : 축적
blurred = hazy : 흐린, 초점이 맞지 않은
clap = applaud : 박수치다
morbid = unwholesome : 병적인, 불건전한
finagle :속임수를 쓰다=bluff, deceive, swindle
hand down=transmit:물려주다,전해주다
impassible=deadlock, plight, hardship, predicament 곤경
in the face of:~에도 불구하고
all eyes and ears:매우 주의 깊은
at one’s elbow:손 닿는 곳에
of no consequence:중요하지 않은
=marginal, insignificant, petty, trivial negligible
negligent :태만한,부주의한 = remiss
take to one’s heel:부리나케 도망가다
maladroit:서투른=clumsy, be all thumbs
abstruse:난해한, 이해하기 어려운 - construe : 해석하다
impatient: 성급한 = impetuous
come on:우연히 만나다,문득생각하다
in spite of onself:자신도 모르게 = unwillingly
at random:닥치는대로:aimlessly
random= haphazard, slapdash
to the quick:골수에 사무치게,절실히
break the ice:어색한분위기를 깨다
temper=disposition, predisposition :기질,성질
call a spade a spade:사실대로 말하다
head off:막다=block, 저지하다 = forestall
in no time=soon
pin down:명확하게 정의하다
impose upon=take advantage of=악용하다
harness 이용하다
have words with:~와 말다툼하다
such as it is:훌륭하지 않지만 ,대단하진 않지만
take leave of:작별하다
make good:성공하다=succeed
boil down to:~로 요약되다/ 요약v=epitomize, typify
grimly=sternly:잔인하게, 엄하게
set store by:중시하다, 높이평가하다
major in= take up:~을 전공하다
take up:시작v, 차지v, 배우다, 가담v
categorically = absolutely, resolutely 단호하게
meet a person halfway:~와 타협하다 =compromise
mindless of:개의치 않고 = make no bones about
portals:관문 ,입구
out of breath:숨을 헐떡이며
on no account:결코~이 아니다=for no reason, by no means
dress up:옷을 잘 차려 입다
walk out on:~을 버리다,저버리다=desert,abandon,renounce
by dint of=by means of:~때문에
be closeted with:~와 밀담을 나누다
in place of:~대신에/ v) fill in for, on behalf of , supplant
in token of:~징표로,~을 위하여
be lost in:~에 몰두하다
out of this world:매우뛰어난
lose face:체면이 손상되다=suffer disgrace
indiscriminate:무차별한=promiscuous, unselective, wholesale
bargain for:기대하다=expect to get
in due cource:적당한때가오면
at the outset:시초부터
administrator to:~에 도움이되다
be booked up:바쁘다,~에 예약이되어있다.
to the letter:문자그대로,엄밀히=faithfully
rise up:봉기하다=rebel
paterfamilias=head of a household:호주,가부장의
take one’s tip:~의 충고를듣다
dwell on:곰곰히 생각하다=brood over, ruminate on
a host of:많은=many
tie up:바쁘다, 방해하다, 정체시키다
to one’s hearts’ content:마음껏
never fail to:꼭 ~하다
discard:버리다-discard A for B : A를 버리고 B를 얻다
come up to:~에 달하다 = equal
set store by:중시하다=make much of, place value on
sterile=infertile:불모의, 불임의, 무익한 ↔ fertile 비옥한
be fed up:헐다,파괴하다
be fed up with : 싫증나다=be tired of, be bored with
tenet: 교의,주의=doctrine
fall back on:의지하다
frenzied:몹시 흥분한=outburst
render:~이 되게 하다=make / 공급하다
run across:우연히 만나다
throw a fit:깜짝 놀라다
make-do:일시적인=ephemeral, transient, fleeting, makeshift
cross one’s mind:문득 떠오르다 - cross one's heart:맹세v
take down:기록하다=put down, record
take for :착각하다
hold back: 숨기다, 억제v, 저지v
reprimand:꾸짖다 =reproach, call down, hit the ceiling
be up to:계획하다=be planning /~에 달려있다, ~할 능력있다
stand out: 두드러지다 a) outstanding, conspicuous
wear out:완전히 지친, 낡은 = no longer usable
pompous:거만한=overbearing, insolent, arrogant, haughty
feed on:먹다=ingest, intake, consume, devour, swallow
get nowhere: 실패하다
succumb to:굴복v=surrender to, give in (to), submit(복종v)
to the point:적절한=pertinent=relevant
become of:~이 되다
hit it off:사이좋게 지내다=friendly, get along with
break out:갑자기 일어나다
look out on:~을 향하다, 마주 보다
as good as=no better than:~과 다름없는
call down: 꾸짖다=reprimand, reproach
in hot water:곤경에 처한
play up to=flatter:아부하다=polish the apple, adulate
crucial:중대한=critical, pivotal, of moment
at large:도주중인,체포되지 않은/ 상세히, 일반적으로
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feel for :동정하다
repudiate:거절하다=reject, turn down, decline, spurn
fickle:변덕스러운=capricious, mercurial, blow hat and cold
cope with 다루다= manage, meet
deduct 공제하다, 감하다
savvy = knowledgeable 상식이 통하는
pretentious = showy : 허세부리는
leave nothing to be desired:더 이상 바랄 것이 없다
out of place:부적당한=inept, incompetent/ 불편한
to tone in with:조화를 이루는
so much for:~은그만하고,~은그정도로하고
out the alert:경계하는
in a rage:화가 난 =outraged
make up one’s mind:결심하다 =resolve
set apart:구별하다=mark off A from B
ephemeral:일시적인=make-do, transient, fleeting, makeshift
at stake:위험한=jeopardous, perilous -n) risk, hazard
exonerate=acquit:무죄를 증명하다
fatuous=inane:어리석은, 무의미한
take part with:~의 편을 들다=take up for, side with
aperture:틈, 구멍
the ins and outs:모든 내용, 자세히
malevolent:악의있는, 심술궂은=malignant, malicious
enthrall:매혹하다=captivate, enchant, attract, fascinate
be cast down:낙담하다, 주눅 들다
on edge:신경이 날카로운, 흥분하여
at feud with:~와 사이가 안좋다 ↔ hit it off :사이가 좋다
make any difference:중요하다,~차이를 낳다=matter
see about:준비하다, 마련하다
in kind:물품으로, 현물로
make light of:무시하다,경시하다
back up:지원하다,밀어주다
akin to:유사한
impartial:공평한,편견없는 = unbiased
at firt hand:직접적으로
lead off:시작하다
hit the ceiling:화내다 = blow one's top, take offence
in large measure:대개
in a muddle:당황하여=confused mess, at a loss
periphery = fringe, brim 가장자리, 주변
be engrossed in:~에 몰두하다
on one’s knee:굴욕적으로=humiliatingly
allow for:고려하다
get a grip on:~을 이해하다
by leaps and bounds:매우 빠르게
break the ice: 어색한 분위기를 깨다
come up with:제안하다=propose/ 생산하다=produce
behold:바라보다=see -uphold 지지v유지v/ behave 행동v (vi)
keep in mind:명심하다
keep up with:따라잡다 = keep pace with, overtake
lay down:규정하다=prescribe
let on=pretend 속이다= deceive, take in, bluff
let on 속이다, 폭로하다
formally accept:비준하다=ratify
incense:화나게 하다=enrage, get under your skin, aggravate
superfluous:여분의=redundant, extra, surplus
ferocious:사나운, 악명높은=savage, infamous, notorious
vague:애매한-ambiguous, equivocal, dubious, unclear
illicit:불법의 ↔ legal, lawful 합법적인
in a roundabout way:우회적으로=circuitously
supersede:대신v=displace, supplant, fill in for, on behalf of
shield:~을 보호하다 o from sh
adolescent:청년기의 ↔ manhood : 성인
abhorrent:싫어하는=distasteful, reluctant, disinclined
avert:피하다=dodge, evade, shun, avoid
impetus:충동,자극=an incentive to
vast : 광대한 =huge, colossal, enormous(거대한)
unfeeling=callous:무감각한,냉담한nonchalant, phlegmatic
constrict:수축시키다=contract, shrink
conjectural=speculative:추측의, 억측의
antagonist:적대자, 반대자
interrogate:심문하다, 질문하다
intervene:끼어들다, 간섭하다=intercede in
mislay:잊어버리다, 잘못 두다=lose
obliterate:지우다. 제거하다=blot out
dilute: 묽게 하다=weakened
divulge:누설하다=disclose, let on/out, reveal
convene:모이다, 소집하다=meet
head off:저지하다
inure:익숙하게 하다
outmoded:구식의=obsolete, behind the times, out of date
decelerate:속도를 줄이다
deception=hoax:사기,속임수=guile,(v) bluff, deceive, swindle
meager=scancy:부족한 ↔ 충분한: ample
inept:부적당한=incompetent, out of place
contemporary:현대의, 동시대인
derange:방해하다, 혼란시키다
devour:먹다=consume, swallow, ingest, intake
dispense:분배하다,할당하다=allot, hand out
exhaustively:철저히, 완전히=thoroughly, completely,
=from top to toe, through and through
extraneous:관련이 없는 ↔ germane : 밀접한 관련 있는
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be clad in = wear : 입고 있다.
dodge 숨기다, 피하다 = evade
abortive = unsuccessful
opportune = right, fitting 좋은 시기의
ostracize = shun, avoid 배척하다
destitute:가난한=down and out, impoverished, poor, needy
retaliate:보복하다=repay, get even with
mortify:굴욕감을 느끼게 하다
in a coma:혼수상태
surmount:극복하다=pull through, get over, recover from
↔integration 통합/ integral : 필수의, 완전한
posthumously:사후에 - posthumous : 사후의, 유복자
obsolete:구식의=outmoded, behind the times
=superficial, perfunctory, pretending, cosmetic
proportionate to:~과 비례하는
retard:지연시키다, 방해v
in retrospect:돌이켜볼 때,회상할 때
a) 회상하는 retrospective, reminiscent
few and far between:드문
equivocal:애매한=ambiguous, vague, dubious, obscure
detrimental:해로운 = noxious, harmful, baneful
insignificant:중요하지 않은
=marginal, insignificant, petty, trivial negligible
tenacious 끈질긴 = persistent, stubborn
acquiesce:묵인v,동의v=concur, consent, accede, subscribe
defer:미루다,지연시키다=hold off, put off, delay
obstinate:고집센,완고한 > so~that S would
imperative:임박한,긴급한=impending, imminent, urgent
from now on:지금부터
cordial:진심에서 우러나는, 우정어린 = with open arms
provident:선경지명이 있는
sporadic:때때로 일어나는
hard up:궁해서,돈이없는
a multitude of:많은 ,다수의
succulent:즙이 많은=juicy
the bulk:대부분
fluctuate:물가,열 등이 오르다,변동하다
deftly:능숙하게=dexterously / deft=dexterous
dissent from:의견을 달리하다
clandestine:은밀한=surreptitious, furtive, stealthy, sneaky
-ad) in confidence, between ourselves, on the sly,
under one's hat
miserly:인색한 = stingly
concur in: 동의하다.일치하다
intrepid: 용감한.두려움이 없는= dauntless
attest:~을 증명하다.입증하다
adapt oneself:적응하다= catch on
appropriate:훔치다, 도용하다/ 적절한
contagious:전염성의 - epidemic 전염병
with open arms:진심으로=cordial
amoral:도덕과 관련이 없는=nonmoral↔ immoral : 비도덕적인
anonymous:작가 미상의 = obscure(무명의, 애매한)
absolve:용서하다 sb of st ↔ resolve 결심하다
abstain: 금하다 + form -ing
lend a hand: 돕다=give a hand
instrumental= helpful, expedient : 도움이 되는
nullify:무효화하다=annul, abrogate, override, repeal
get under your skin:화나게 하다= incense, enrage
equilibrium:균형, 평형
impede:방해하다/ n) impediment
insolent:오만한=pompous, overbearing, arrogant, haughty
confiscate:압수하다, 몰수하다=seize, take over, impound
enterprising = ambitious 야망 있는
intrepid:용기 있는, 대담한 = dauntless
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insinuate:암시하다 = infer, imply
affluent:부유한=well off, opulent
all thumbs:손재주가 없는=maladroit=clumsy 서투른
pay back = return 상환하다, 갚다
by ear:악보없이
=glorious, splendid magnificent, beautiful, superb, lovely
mundane:일상적인=worldly, ordinary, routine, commonplace
see to it that: 확실히하다,주의를기울이다,책임지다
pave the way for:~길을 열다, ~가능하게하다
agile 재빠른 nimble / 생기 있는=lively, exuberant, vigorous
incontrovertible:논쟁의 여지가없는,명백한
from top to toe:철두철미하게=completely
= exhaustively, thoroughly, through and through
oblivious:잘 잊는, 안중에 없는
intriguing:흥미를 자아내는
cut down:줄이다,삭감하다
do up:~을 수리하다
drop a line: 몇줄써서보내다
resign oneself to:~에 따르다,~에맡기다
fuddle one's cap =carouse it 술을 진탕 마시다
set free:석방하다
stand a chance of:~의 가망성이 있다,~할 것 같다
deliberate 신중한, 계획적인=planned, calculated
stand up for:~을 옹호하다=defend
stand up to : ~에 대항하여 싸우다
stem from:유래하다,생기다
counterpart : 대응물, 짝
suffer from bad fortune:재정이 안 좋다
live from hand to mouth:간신히 지내다
=keep the wolf from the door
lose heart:기운을 잃다, 의기소침하다
lost one’s temper: 화내다= blow one's top, take offence
lose oneself 길을 잃다
call one’s names:~을 욕하다
make sense of:~뜻을 이해하다
plight:곤경,궁지=hardship,impassible, deadlock, predicament
next to:거의
not a bit:조금도 ~않다=not at all
not a little=much=quite a little:적지 않게,
off and on:때때로
for good measure = as something more or extra 덤으로
of one’s own accord:자발적으로=voluntarily, spontaneously
hit on:우연히 생각나다
by and large:전반적으로
shrewd:영리한, 분별력 있는 , 약삭빠른
rife:(나쁜 것으로) 가득찬
shrink:줄다, 수축하다=constrict=contract
humble:겸손한, 신중한 = circumspect
copious:풍부한 = abundantly, in profusion
little short of:~에 가까운
live beyond one’s means: 분수에 넘치는 생활을 하다
fall into servitude:예속되다
pecuniary:재정상의= financial
If it's the last thing I do 무슨 일이 있어도
=no matter how much it may cost
intricate:복잡한,난해한= complex, complicated, knotty
every second day:이틀마다
self-possessed:침착한, 냉정한
be fed up with:~에 싫증나다
all but:거의
resolve:결심하다 + to R
stunts:발육을 방해하다
take a stand on : 분명한 입장을 취하다
in the teeth of:~에도 불구하고
tell A from B: A와B를 구별하다=set apart
have one’s hand full: 매우 바쁘다 = a) hectic 몹시 바쁜
in honor of:~을 기념하여
put through:성취하다, 전화를 연결하다
sober:침착한, 진지한=serious
overt:명백한, 공공연한
binary:두 번의
far between:드문
take a dim view of:~에 대하여 비관적이다
elope:남녀가 눈이 맞아 달아나다
extract:꺼내다, 추출하다
heart and soul:열심히
hit home:급소를 찌르다,정곡을찌르다
sweet out:조바심을 가지고 기다리다
at length:마침내, 충분히,상세하게
ruminate on:깊이 생각하다=dwell on=brood over
in deep waters:매우어려워서, 난처해져서
with half a heart:마지못해
viable:실행가능한=feasible, practicable, visible, applicable
lukewarm:미지근한, 미온적인 = tepid
tart:신, 시큼한
ravage:파괴하다, 유린하다
verdict:판결, 판단
redundant:잉여의, 쓸모 없는 = superfluous, extra, surplus
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indict:고발하다=charge, sue, prosecute, impeach
ajar:조금 열려있는
haughtiness:거만, 오만=arrogance
- a) arrogant, haughty, snobbish
splendid: 훌륭한=excellent, wonderful, marvellous, gorgeous
putting the issue on the back burner:(어떤일을)뒤로 미루다
satirize = caricature 풍자하다
on the horns of a dilemma:진퇴양난에 처한
lay bare:노출시키다=expose
equivalent = commensurate 상응하는
commemorate :기념하는
commendatory : 추천하는, 칭찬하는
Are you following me? = Are you wih me? 알아들었어?
round up:체포하다, 검거하다
alien:서로 용납하지않는,반하는
in the wake of:~의 뒤에,~의 결과로
sequestered:외딴= isolated, insulated
call it a night:오늘은 이것으로 끝내다
unwittingly:자신도 모르게=in spite of oneself, unconsciously
grin: 씩 웃었다
cosmetic:표면적인=ostensible, pretending, superficial
fraught:~으로 충만하다=teem/swarm/charged with
set on:결심하다, 착수하다
fall out:싸우다
for nuts:조금도,아무리해도
catch on:이해하다, 적응하다
rebuttal = contradiction, refutation 반증, 반박
fool away:헛되이쓰다,낭비하다
be above -ing : 잘난 체해서 ~하지 않는다
take off:흉내내다
border on:근접하다
give vent to:나타나다,발산하다
become reconciled:화해하다=make up
ingest: (음식물을)섭취하다=feed on, consume, devour
gregarious:군집성의, 떼지어사는
odd and ends:나머지, 잡동사니
impose upon:~에 편승v, 악용v
go in for:참가v, 열중v, 찬성v,~에 종사v
count for nothing:중요하지 않다=insignificant, marginal
=petty, trivial negligible
straight from the shoulder: 정면에서, 솔직하게
spin off = defivation 파급효과
at all costs:어떤 일이 있어도
get ~across:이해시키다
make over:개조하다
haul:수송하다, 끌어당기다= pull
guise:외관,옷차림 = outwards
tap:두드리다, 개발v - tap me on the face
gingerly:조심스럽게, 주의깊게 = warily
indict:기소하다=charge, sue, prosecute
indigenous:원산의, 국산의 =native
indolence:게으름,나태 =laziness
lassitude:피곤, 권태 = weariness, languor
insulate:절연하다,고립시키다=isolate, sequester
intact:손상되지 않은
interminable:끝없는, 중단 없는
juvenile:어린, 연소한
lenient:관대한 =indulgent, merciful, generous, tolerant
lethargic:느린, 둔감한
sluggish:느린, 불경기의 = stagnant, recession
litigant:소송당사자/ 원)plaintiff, 피)defendant, 용의자)suspect
makeshift:일시적인,임시변통의ephemeral, transient, fleeting
mesmerize:최면을 걸다 = hypnotize n)nypnosis
mundane:일상적인=worldly, ordinary, routine, commonplace
nibble:조금씩 갉아먹다
nonchalant:무관심한,냉담한=phlegmatic, callous, unfeeling
exceptional children 영재 = genius, talent, gifted person
obese:뚱뚱한 n)obesity 비만
ominous:불길한= threatening, sinister, grim
remedy : 치료
penury:가난,빈곤 = poverty
phenomenal:경이로운=extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable
= stupendous:놀라운, 엄청난
be on the edge of:균형을 유지하다
potent:강한, 우세한 = powerful, commanding, dynamic
predicament:곤경,궁지=plight, hardship
prescribe:처방v, 규정v
prevalent:일반적인, 널리 퍼진, 만연한
pugnacious:호전적인, belligerent, warlike
render:공급하다, ~가 ~되게 하다
renounce:포기하다,버리다=walk out on, desert, abandon
resentment:분노,분개 = irateness
retaliate:복수하다=get even with=repay
revenue:세입, 수익
second-hand:간접적인, 중고의
shortcoming:단점, 결함
tepid:미지근한, 열의가 없는 = lukewarm
tractable:다루기 쉬운, 길들이기 쉬운
unquenchable:억누를 수 없는 = insatiable, irrepressible
vanquish:~을 정복하다= conquer, defeat
vex:괴롭히다=pick on, annoy, pull one's leg
precarious:불안한, 불확실한 = unstable
relinquish:포기하다=forsake, abandon, give up
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resolutely:단호하게,확고하게=categorically = absolutely
misdemeanor:비행, 나쁜 행동
legible:읽기 쉬운
bluff, deceive, hoax, take in, swindle, finagle속이다
have a finger in the pie : 관여하다
by the skin of my teeth:가까스로, 겨우
be hard to outgrow: 벗어나기 힘들다
instill:서서히 주입하다, 불어 넣다
cut a fine figure:두각을 나타내다 - stand out
immutable:불변의= unchangeable
make sense:이치에 맞다
trigger:유발하다=set off, generate, bring about. spawn
get a head start:먼저 출발하다
set back:저지하다
run of-the-mill:보통의,평범한
call a spade a spade: 사실대로말하다
abrogate:취소v,폐지v=nullify,annul,abrogate, override, repeal
a hyperbole:과장 = exaggeration
handpick:엄선하다,고르다 = pick out
go through the mill:시련을 겪다, 경험하다
fictitiousness 허구 = fiction
glossy:윤이 나는
gratis:무료로=for nothing, gratuitously, on the house
draw on: (자료로)이용하다 / draw in 작성하다
set oneself apart:고립되다
take st out:제거하다=obliterate, blot it out
take offence:기분상하다, 화내다=lost one’s temper
fortuitous:뜻밖의, 우연한=accidental, haphazard
in the wake of:~의 뒤에,~의결과로
serve my turn:~의 소용에 닿다
in question:(논의되고 있는)문제의
providential:천우신조의, 행운의=luckily, fortunate
cast down:기가 죽다
make one’s name:이름을 날리다
undermine:서서히 약화시키다=wear away, impair, weaken
vulnerable : 상처받기 쉬운, 영향 받기 쉬운 = susceptible to
the rank and file : 평사원, 평범한 사람=lay man
ablaze:불타는, 밝게 빛나는
agitate:선동하다, 교란하다=stir
boost:후원하다, 밀어주다
complacency:자기만족=content, self-satisfied
bring to light:폭로하다=take to other countries
desert:버리다, 도망치다=abandon ,renounce
fallout 여파 = aftermath
imperative:절박한=necessary/ urgent, impending, imminent
nullify:무효로 하다=annul, abrogate, override, repeal
of moment:중요한=crucial, critical, pivotal
out of the blue:갑자기= abruptly, suddenly
see eye to eye:견해가 일치하다
weave:직물 등을 짜다
work:일을 계속하다,~에 효험이 있다
pivotal:중요한=crucial, critical, of moment
cross one’s mind:우연히 생각나다 = occur to, strike
be in one’s shoes:~입장에서다
hand out:분배하다
in the nick of time:꼭 알맞은 때에
remiss:태만한 = negligent, lax, careless, slack
phase out:점진적으로 폐지하다
play it by ear:임기응변으로 처리하다
pull a long face:시무룩해지다
put it on:과장하다=exaggerate, overstate
바가지를 씌우다= rip off, make to pay through the nose
pull one’s leg:괴롭히다 = pick on, annoy, vex
give in:굴복하다=succumb, surrender to, yield to
call on:방문하다
run over:대충 훑어보다=skim/ 차가 치다
to no purpose:헛된 = in vain
magnanimous 관대한 = generous
round up:모으다
let on/off:누설하다=divulge, disclose, reveal
come by:얻다
make out=understand/ 이해v, 작성v, 주장v,~인 체하다
put on:체중이 늘다
put over/through:성공하다
run on:운행하다
hold up:강탈하다, 견디다, 방해하다
pull through:회복v, 극복v=surmount
stand up to:~에 대항하여 싸우다
stick out:끝까지 견디다
set aside:따로 정해두다
be taken aback:깜짝 놀라다
run into:우연히 만나다
pick out:고르다=handpick
take over:인수받다=succeed to n
take up:시작v, 차지v, 배우다, 가담v
break off:중단하다
die away:잠잠해지다
sue:고소하다=indict, charge, prosecute
jot down:메모하다
break in:간섭하다,끼어들다
out of season:제철이 아닌
keep back:감추다,숨기다dodge=hide, conceal, whitewash
fool around:빈둥빈둥 시간을 낭비하다
grace period:지불유예기간
sensible:분별력 있는 ↔ sensitive : 민감한, 감수성 풍부한
to the minute: 정확하게 =exactly
in person:몸소=for yourself
exchange seats:자리를 바꾸다
settle down:진정하다
short of money:돈이 부족한
beat around the bush:간접적으로 언급하다
overshadow 가리다= blot st out/ outweigh (넘어서다)
repentantly = contritely : 뉘우치는 마음으로
forage = search for 찾아 돌아다니다
preposterous = tremendous, exorbitant 터무니없는
diffuse = spread 확산시키다
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hallow = make holy : 신성하게 하다
noxious = harmful, detrimental, baneful 유해한
denounce 비난하다
replenish 다시 채우다
anomaly = a departure from the norm : 이례적인 일
around the clock:쉬지 않고
around the corner : 임박한
on end:계속해서, 연달아
out of print:절판된
blatantly:주제 넘게,뻔뻔스럽게
when it comes to ~ing:~하는 거라면,~데있어서는
leave out:~을 빠뜨리다
on one’s own:자력으로, 책임하에
sure enough:예상했던 대로
up and running:잘 작동하는
bring A home to 人: A를 절실히 느끼게 하다
make for:나아가다,향해가다=head for, go, reach
out of reach of:~손이 닿지 않는
blow out:펑크나다, 폭파하다
go over:복습하다
help out:돕다
turn to:의지하다
set about:착수하다
put together:협력하다
illegible:읽기 어려운
abscond:도망치다=escape, get away, flee, decamp, elope
attribute:~의 탓으로 돌리다=impute
malicious:악의 있는 = malevolent, malignant
curtail:단축하다,삭감하다=take a bite out of
improvise:즉석으로 하다-impromptu, extemporaneous 즉석의
fertile 비옥한 ↔ infertile 비옥하지 않은=lacklust (윤기없는)
adjourn 중단하다 미루다hold over=put/hold off, defer, delay
derision:비웃음=scorn, sneer, mock, ridicule
inherent:내재하는= intrinsic, natural, essential
exorbitant:터무니 없는, (가격이) 지나친
elucidate:상세하게 설명하다
obliterate:지우다,삭제하다=take st out, blot it out
transitory:일시적인make-do, ephemeral, transient, fleeting,
prevail:유행하다, 우세하다
negligent :태만한,부주의한 =remiss, lax, careless, slack
slovenly:단정치 못한
enthrall:매혹하다=captivate, enchant, attract, fascinate
scrutinize:조사하다=go over, investigate, inspect
flush:상기하다 = turn red
phlegmatic:무감각한,냉담한=nonchalant, callous, unfeeling
garrulous:수다스러운=voluble, verbose, garrulous, loquacious
capricious:변덕스러운 =fickle, mercurial, quick-changing
defalcation :횡령, 단점 -embezzle 횡령하다
culprit:범인 ↔ suspect : 용의자
incoherent:일관성이 없는, 비논리적인
Stale:싱싱하지 못한, 상한
lullaby: 자장가
practical : 실제적인 ↔ practically 사용 가능한
reluctantly:꺼리게, 달갑지 않게
ten to one:십중팔구 = in all probability
touch upon:잠깐언급하다
do A good(harm): A에게 이익(해)가되다
compulsory:강제적인, 필수의=obligatory, forced, required
in token of:~의 표시로서
and the like:기타등등
diet:음식물, 식이요법
turn down:소리/가스/불꽃을 줄이다
epidemic:전염병 = 질병, 고생 : affliction, ailment
-전염성의 : contagious = infectious
how come? : 왜? 어째서? / what for? 왜? 뭐 하러?
be successful in: 성공하다
i.e: 즉=namely, that is, that is to say
all for the bad:전적으로 나쁜
apparent:명백한=obvious, seeming, visible, noticeable
transcript:사본 = duplicate, facsimile
temporal: 일시적인=make-do,ephemeral,transient,fleeting,
privilege:특권, 특혜
eccentric:이상한 = weird, like nothing on earth
terms:용어, 기간
reticence : 과묵
consolation : 위로
penchant 성향, 기호 = liking
demonstrate 증명하다 = be a testament to
hybrid = mixed 혼합의
donate 기부하다 ↔ dominate 지배하다
dedicate 헌신적인
disciple 제자, 신자 = follower, pupil, devotee
be heavily into : 심하게 빠져 있다.
hit the spot : 만족시키다/ road : 길을 떠나다/ hay : 자다
/ pan: 큰 영향을 미치다(부정적)/ceiling : 화내다
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inquisitive = curious 호기심 있는
sanguine = optimistic 혈색 좋은, 낙관적인
consolidate = tighten up, beef up 강화하다
legacy = bequest 유산, 유증
leeway = freedom / freeway = highway
have something under one's belt : 경험을 가지다
soak up = absorb 흡수하다
upset = disorganize, screwed it up 망치다
blurred = hazy 흐릿한
morbid 병적인, 불건전한 = unwholesome
orthodox 전통의
Your guess is as good as mine 나도 모르겠다
sanguine 혈색좋은, 낙관적인 = optimistic
consolidate 강화하다 = tighten up, beef up, reinforce
legacy= bequest 유산, 유증
dire = disastrous 무시무시한, 비참한
arid = dry 메마른
adept= skillful, expert 능숙한
for all intents and purposes 완벽하게=almost completely
draw=tie, come out even, break even 비기다
urge 충동
disorder 혼란, 장애
cunning = foxlike 교활한
reservoir 저장소
neglect 경시하다 = look down on, despise
fall on 공격v, 책임지다, 우연히 떠오르다
I get the picture 이해된다. 알겠다.
uphold 유지하다, retain, preserve
provoke 화나게 하다 = irritate, rub me the wrong way
유발하다 = stimulate, stir
too close to call 막역한 친구 = sworn friend
the bottom line 중요한 것, 핵심
jeopardy, peril 핵심
brittle 약한
for any reason 어떤 이유에서든
assault 공격하다
get back = retrieve 회수하다
take aback 놀라게 하다 = surprise
conspicuous 두드러진 = outstanding
for good (and all) 영원히
for good or : 여하튼
corrupt 타락한, 부패한
clueless 무기력한, 바보스러운
as two peas 꼭 닮은
like cheese and chalk 전혀 다른
like nothing on earth 대단히 이상한
know ~ like bake of his hand 손바닥 보듯 훤히 알다
haphazard = random, slapdash 되는 대로
mark down 가격을 인하하다
overwhelming 압도적인
make no bones about 개의치 않다
on the carpet 불려 가서, 꾸중 들어
walk the carpet 혼나다, 꾸중 듣다
pull the carpet (out) form under 人:남의 계획을 망치다
step off the carpet with 결혼하다
roll out the red carpet for 人 : 융숭한 대접을 하다
ineffable 말로 표현할 수 없는
true of 적용되는, 해당되는
stable 안정된 ↔ unstable, precarious 불안정한
open a door a crack 문을 조금 열다
stringent 엄격한 = rigorous
regulation 규제
engrave 새기다
fastidious 까다로운 = choosy, picky, particular, fussy
profligate 방탕한, 낭비하는
pick a fight 시비걸다
have one's head in the clouds 비현실적인
relish 흥미, 즐거움
irrepressible 억제할 수 없는
have yet to 아직 -하지 않다
behave oneself 얌전히 굴다
rekindle 되살아나다
surveillance 감시
advocate 옹호자, 지지자
dignity 위엄
abuse 학대, 남용
trot out 꺼내어 보이다
skepticism 회의=doubt, incredulity, unbelief
retain= preserve, uphold 유지하다, 보존하다
harbor 숨기다, 품다
tranquil = placid 평온한
contemptuous 거만한, 업신여기는
put on airs 잘난 체하다
circumspect 신중한 - circuitous 우회적인
at stake:위험한=jeopardous, perilous -n) risk, hazard
pensive = thoughtful 사색적인, 구슬픈
evocation 환기, 재현
revamp : 수리하다, 개선하다 = renovate, improve
imagine 상상하다 - n) imagination
portable 휴대할 수 있는
potable 마실 수 있는
portend 예고하다
heartily 마음껏
to the detriment of 결국 ~을 해치며
assess 가늠하다, 평가하다
reclaimed water (재)사용된 물
unwieldy 다루기 어려운
unprecedented 전례없는, 새로운 = novel, up-to-date
augmentative 확장하는= extensive, expansive, dilative
reconcilable 조정할 수 있는
self-interest 사리사욕, 사리추구
wholeheartedly 진심으로, 착실하게
interpret, 해석하다
preponderance 우세함
in the eye of the beholder 제 눈에 안경
It's better than nothing 없는 것보단 낫다
give me a ball park figure 대충 알려주세요
win 人 over 설득하다
sanction = approval 허가, 승인
calamity = disaster 재난, 재앙
astute 영리한 = shrewd
futile 무익한, 하찮은 = useless
hackneyed 낡은, 진부한 = antiquated, hack, stale, trite
have a bone to pick with 불평하다 = beef about
for one's sake ~을 위해, ~ 때문에 = for the sake of~
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