종류 : 현재 분사 = 동사원형 + -ing(동명사랑 생긴게 똑같네?)
과거분사 = 동사원형 + -ed(동사의 과거형과 생긴게 똑같네?)
역할 : 1. 명사를 수식하는 형용사의 역할과 2. 종속절을 대치하는 절로써의 역할
구분 : 진행형이라서 현재분사를 쓰고, 과거형이라서 과거분사를 쓰는게 절대 아니라 수식해주는 명사와의 관계가
능동이면, 현재분사 수동이면 과거분사를 쓴다.
용법 : 부사는 명사앞에서도 수식하고 뒤에서도 수식할 수 있다. 다만 조심할 것은 분사와 수식을 받는 명사의 관계가 수동이면 과거분사를 능동이면 현재분사를 쓴다.
1) 현재분사가 명사를 수식하는 경우 : 능동의 의미이다.
ex) The sleeping baby - the baby (who is) sleeping
2) 과거분사가 명사를 수식하는 경우 ‘과거분사는 의미상으로 타동사 역할을, 그리고 수식을 받는 명사는 목적어 역할을 한다. 수동의 의미를 갖는다는 말이다.
ex) My room is stuffy because of the closed windows.
종속절을 분사 한방으로 줄인다. ??
문장을 간단하게 하기 위하여 종속절을 다음과 같이 분사구문으로 한다.
When I read a book, I found a misprint. 접+주+동을 분사 단 한 단어로 대치할 수 있는데, 주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 같으면 주어를 또 나타낼 필요가 없고 따라서 현재분사냐 과거분사냐 둘 중의 하나만 고르면 되는데 read의 주체는 주절의 주어 I이므로 당연히 I가 능동적으로 read 하므로 현재분사를 쓴다. → Reading a book, I found a misprint.
주의 : 문맥혼동을 피하기 위하여 혹은 강조하기 위하여 접속사를 그대로 둘 수도 있다.
ex) After they sang two songs, they did a dance.
→ After singing two songs, they did a dance.
주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 다를 경우 : 그대로 두고 이를 독립분사구문이라 한다.
ex) Because the job was done, they went home.
→ The job done, they went home.
인간의 감정을 나타내는 분사는 이상하게 수동으로 표시한다.
ex) The movie is very boring. ex) I am much bored by the movie.
1. ------ unable to arrive in time, she had to cancel her appointment.
a. For b. Be
c. Been d. Being
2. Faced much higher labor costs, many companies are reducing the number of employees.
Faced → (Facing or Faced with)
3. That young Japanese workers are showing less loyalty to the corporation they work for is not surprised.
is not surprised → (surprising)
4. Mexico City, knowing for its classical architecture, is a popular vacation sport for American tourists.
knowing → (known)
5. It was the worst hurricane ---- recorded.
a. ever b. that c. as d. was
6. When Facing with dismissal, he decided to submit his resignation.
When Facing → (When Faced)
7. A repair job is costing over $30,000 is automatically discounted $500 from the total cost.
앞의 is 생략
8. The new established advertising agency used innovative demographic studies to attract new clients.
new established → newly established
9. A visa is unnecessary for an American holder to enter the U.S., provided that the visit intending wouldn't exceed ninety days that the traveller possessed a return ticket.
(intending → intended 계획되어진 방문)
10. ----- all we went through to get him the tickets, I think he should at least thank us.
a. Considering b. When I consider
c. Considered d. Consideration
11. There was a sharp rise in the value of the yen ---- a decrease in export.
a. resulting in b. caused by
c. regarding d. according to
12. It is not surprising that the staff were embarrassing by his rash behavior.
(embarrassing → embarrassed)
<시험장에서 분사쉽게 풀기>
일단 분사문제는 보기 ABCD만 보면 전부 동사이기 때문에 적절한 동사를 고르는 주어 동사 수 일치 문제 아니면, 시제를 묻는 문제가 아닐까 생각하기 쉽다. 여기까지는 아주 잘 생각했다. 그럼 이제는 문제를 보는데, ------에 무엇이 들어가야 되는지 알려면, 일단 차근히 주어 동사부터 찾고 볼일이다. 다음을 보면,
Anyone ---- office supplies must first check with the supervisor.
a. would order b. ordered c. orders d. ordering
주어는 ---이고 동사는 ----다. 따라서 주어 동사가 완벽히 갖춰져 있으니 문법적으로 완벽한 문장이다. 따라서 문장의 구성요소가 아닌 쓸데없는 것들일 올 수 있다. 그 대표적인 것들이 부사구(=전명구)나 명사를 수식하는 분사, 관계대명사절, 혹은 명사를 뒤에서 수식하는 형용사적 용법의 TO 부정사 등이 올 수 있다. 보기를 보는 순간 부사구나 관계대명사절 문제는 아니니까, 분사 문제라는 결론이 선다. 그럼 현재분사냐 과거분사냐 만 따져 주면 된다. 그것은 다시 말해 분사가 Anyone을 꾸미니까 Anyone과 order와의 관계를 해석해 보라. 의미가 미술용품을 주문하는 사람이란 뜻이니까 능동적으로 현재분사가 정답이 된다.
유형1. 주어 동사 다 있고, 명사뒤에 ---- 형
1. Engineering Success is a journal ----- quarterly by the Engineer's Association.
a. will distribute b. distributes c. distributed d. are distributed
2. Intentionally fraudulent information ----- in this job application may result in termination.
a. had given b. gave c. was given d. given
유형2. 주절이 있고, 접속사 다음 ----- 형
문제 자체만을 보았을 땐 접속사 뒤엔, 종속절의 주어 동사가 시작되어야하고, 콤마다음에 주절이 시작되는 구조이다. 따라서 -----에는 주어동사는 아니고, 분사가 답이 된다. 마찬가지로 현재분사냐 과거분사냐 따져 주면 된다. 이럴 때 분사와 종속절 주어와의 관계가 능동이냐 수동이냐를 따지는데, 종속절 주어는 주절의 주어와 동일하므로 주절의 주어를 찾아 관계를 생각해 본다.
1. High technology companies continue to grow, ----- thousands of new workers annually.
a. add b. adds c. adding d. added
2. As ----- in our advertisements, Copiers Unlimited offers product demonstrations to all clients.
a. promise b. promised c. promising d. has promised
3. If all goes as ----, construction can begin on the new warehouse before the end of the year.
a. planned b. planning c. had planned d. plans
※ as 뒤에 blank ---- 면 무조건 과거분사
as planned, as scheduled, as promised, as planned
1. Anyone ---- art supplies must first check with the supervisor.
a. would order b. ordered c. orders d. ordering
2. Cost Projections for the next fiscal year should be submitted by the appropriate managers, as ----- on the chart below.
a. indicating b. indicated c. indicative d. indicators
3. Inside Engineering is a journal ---- quarterly by the International Society of Engineers.
a. are distributed b. distributed c. distributes d. will distribute
4. In the event of employment, false or misleading information ---- in this job application may result in dismissal.
a. had given b. gave c. was given d. given
5. Once ---- , the companies will create a multi-regional supermarket chain with annual sales of $500 million.
a. merge b. are merged c. merged d. have merged
6. To place your order. simply complete the attached order form and send it, along with your payment, in the reply envelope ---- in your catalog.
a. provide b. provides c. provided d. providing
7. The public Cynthia Jordan's paintings ---- despite the fact that most art critics disparage her work.
a. fascinating b. fascinated c. fascinate d. fascination
8. Please complete the enclose confidential survey and return it in the prepaid envelope provided.
9. Many tour guides make a few embarrassed mistakes as they start leading groups.
10. Poor performance of newly purchasing computer equipment is nearly always the result of improper system
11. Nearly forty percent of the cartons inspection were found to contain less milk than the label promised.
12. Any employee interesting in obtaining information about previous plans should speak with Ms. Linda in Human
13. Company policy requires that all kitchen workers wash their hands before ---- to their food-preparation stations.
a. to return b. return c. returned d. returning
14. Staff ---- in the building after 10pm are requested to use the rear exit when leaving
a. will remain b. remaining c. remain d. have remained
15. Cleaning, repair and maintenance of existed equipment represent more than half of the company's annual revenue.
16. Before ----- over the company's chemical division, Mr. Dumitrescu was in charge of corporate planning.
a. take b. taken c. taking d. took
17. Mr. Gupta's ----- remarks at the annual stockholder's meeting were quite controversial.
a. opened b. opening c. opens d. openly
18. High technology companies continue to grow, ------ hundreds of new employees annually.
a. add b. adds c. adding d. added
19. There was ------ agreement on several of the points under discussion, which is very unusual at board meetings.
a. striking b. strike c. strikes d. struck
20. Anyone ----- receiving information about our special offer should call our toll free number.
a. interesting b. is interested in c. interested in d. who interestes in
21. After ---- to many people, Mr. Karhopp selected a software package to maintain his client accounts.
a. talking b. will talk c. that talks d. talked
22. Agents earn a five-percent commission based on the total dollar amount sold ----- local sales taxes.
a. excludes b. excluding c. exclusive d. exclusion
23. One third of restaurants ----- salads last year offered a chicken salad, making it the nation's most popular
main-dish salad.
a. served b. service c. serving d. serve
해 답 (분사)
1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.D. 14.B 15.B
16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.A
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